EuroMediCom is dedicated to promoting medical sciences of the future, and more particularly those related to Aging and Aesthetics. 

EuroMediCom is the official organizer of the “Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, AMWC”. This congress has been launched with our strong belief that effective aging prevention and treatment must be comprehensively addressed integrating two aspects: using aesthetics strategy (dermatology and surgery) for the external appearance, and applying anti-aging medicine for internal wellbeing. 

Other major congresses are proposed like the “Anti-aging Medicine European Congress, AMEC”, which will propose the practical aspects and operational information, applicable once back in his practice, for the participating doctor. EuroMediCom is not only present in Europe but also partner of many other major congresses in the rest of the world. Since the development of Anti-Aging Medicine, EuroMediCom took an important part in the creation of the first world premier European University Master Program in Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine, recognized today as the best program in the field with an official delivered Master degree by the Dresden International University. Awaiting the pleasure to welcome you soon on one of our future events,

Catherine DECUYPER and Christophe LUINO

EuroMediCom Founders

2 rue de Lisbonne, 75008 Paris

Catherine DECUYPER

Christophe LUINO