EuroMediCom, created in 1999 and part of Informa Exhibitions since 2010, is dedicated to promoting Life Sciences and knowledge through educational Trainings, Conferences & Exhibitions.

Our main event, the AMWC - Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress, was created in 2003 and has since become the largest and leading medical Aesthetic congress in the world. AMWC was developed with the strong belief that external Aesthetic treatments and internal aging prevention could be comprehensively addressed by integrating two aspects:  

  • Aesthetics strategy, through Dermatology or Surgery procedures for the external appearance
  • Anti-aging medicine for aging prevention and enhancement of the Aesthetic treatments.

Over the years, this model has been successfully geo-cloned into such  well recognized events as AMWC Asia in Taiwan, AMWC Latin America in Colombia and the launch of ICAD International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology inThailand and Brazil. 

In addition, EuroMediCom continually enhances its global portfolio by acquiring and growing other strongly established international events in the field of Medicine or Beauty.

EuroMediCom also created various partnerships with universities and scientific associations around the world, in order to promote the highest possible standard of academic education for doctors. One successful example of this is the partnership between EuroMediCom and the University of Nice to create VISAGE, which offers physicians the opportunity to witness live medical demonstrations as well as take part in limited-place workshops, anatomy laboratory sessions, and live injections on models. 

We look forward to welcoming you to a future event.



Catherine DECUYPER

Christophe LUINO

EuroMediCom Founders